The Oxfordshire Doughnut Economics Collective is a new network of change-makers working together for a thriving Oxfordshire where people and nature flourish.
Made up of individuals and organisations from across Oxfordshire, our aims are:
Working together for a better future for Oxfordshire
- harnessing diverse local experience and expertise across sectors
- collaborating to spark new possibilities
- sharing responsibility for co-ordinated action
Thriving in balance
- meeting the needs of all people so that no-one falls short, while living within the means of our living planet
- respecting the wellbeing of all people and the health of the whole planet
- reviewing human activity within the context of Oxfordshire’s natural ecosystems
- understanding and being guided by our mutual interdependence
Why Doughnut Economics?
Doughnut Economics, founded by Oxford Economist Kate Raworth, provides a framework that combines the elements of social justice and protection of our natural environment, in a way that is regenerative and redistributive by design.
This 21st century approach changes the purpose of an economic system that’s currently focused on the pursuit of infinite growth, into one that measures progress as meeting societal needs within the limits of our finite planet.
Doughnut Economics provides a compass for humanity and nature to thrive in balance, looking at how different social and environmental aspects of our place connect as a whole, both locally and globally. It also looks at how we can redesign our economic systems to be distributive and regenerative to bring humanity into the Doughnut.
Discover the 7 ways to think like a 21st Century economist and find tools and stories of action and transformative change around the world on the Doughnut Economics Action Lab website.
The ODEC core group
We are a small team of Oxfordshire residents who have come together to set up and support the ODEC network.
Working as volunteers, we are united in our passion
- to highlight and connect across sectors and districts the existing actions for social justice and our natural environment
- to explore new projects and possibilities for transformative change.
We are seeking more diversity, more skills and administrative and financial support.
If you would like to join the core group, please get in touch at